Month: August 2019

Boot Camp

Some of you may already know that I served as a Naval Officer for twenty-eight years. Before I received my commission I attended basic training as an enlisted sailor. I remember when I arrived at boot camp for training in Great Lakes, Illinois on April 26, 1966, around midnight.  After a few minutes, we were greeted…
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Marriage Questions Needing Answers

What do “oneness” and “marriage” mean to you?  What does it mean that a couple is in Harmony? What is the difference between a marriage covenant and a legal contract? Why do Esther and I think Christians should have the best marriages on the planet? We’re glad you asked! We believe it’s important to know…
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The Cage

Esther spent part of this morning building a Monarch Butterfly cage and collecting leaves with their eggs from her milkweed plants. She carefully placed her butterfly nursery on a table we have on our screened porch which is connected to our bedroom by sliding doors.  As I walked into the bedroom I happened to see her sitting…
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Tick-tock, Tick-tock

During my military career, I was stationed in Washington, D.C., which is well known for its horrendous traffic, especially during morning and evening rush hours.  Fortunately, I worked and lived in central D.C and I only had to travel five or ten minutes to and from work.  However, most of my fellow-workers spent one to two hours…
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God’s Plan for Your Sexual Fulfillment

To the Christian couple, lovemaking should not only be physical but also emotional lovemaking (affection), spiritual lovemaking (inviting God into our bedrooms, and honoring and worshiping God for this gift), and with learned skill primarily through discovery and experience during marriage (mental). As mentioned before (in my book The Fulfilled Marriage), Christians should be the…
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Take Responsibility for Your Anger

Dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. James 1:19-21, New…
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Harmony – Marriage’s Ultimate Goal

I know I repeatedly used the word “harmony” throughout my book, The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors. I have to confess that it is one of my favorite words when talking about marriage, but if we want to make “sweet music” with our spouses, then developing deeper and deeper harmony is essential. True harmony comes…
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