Month: February 2020

The Marriage Bed

In 307 A.D. Lucius Lactantius A.D. 250–A.D. 325), one of the early fathers of the Church and personal advisor of the faith to Emperor Constantine, penned the following words: When God had formulated the plan of the two sexes, he instilled in them the desire for each other along with delight in intercourse. He, therefore, mixed…
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Downward Spiral

One of the most dangerous events that can happen in flight is for an aircraft to stall. Every airplane has a low-speed point at which it will lose lift and begin to fall out of the sky, sometimes even into an unrecoverable spiral. This is so dangerous that aircraft are equipped with a loud audible warning…
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God and Your Marriage

God fulfills two important roles in our marriages: first, by being the architect or creator in providing the design for your marriage, and secondly, making available on a day-by-day basis through the Holy Spirit grace, help, advice, and empowerment for every couple desiring and willing to “do their part.”   A Christian marriage consists of…
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