Month: March 2020

Role of Adversity – God’s Answer For Pandemics

Considering what is currently transpiring throughout the world, I thought this article taken from my book The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors might be pertinent and serve as an encouragement for you. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28, New International Version (NIV) Adversity…
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Let’s Wake Up To Who We Are

As I sat at my desk doing some routine work that needed my attention, worship music was playing softly in the background.  Although my inability to multi-task with focus usually prevents me from listening to the words of a song while working, something that Jeremy Camp was singing grabbed my attention so powerfully that I…
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Doing Marriage God’s Way

For those willing to lay their preconceived ideas about their marriages down and begin to do marriage God’s way, there will be unrivaled fulfillment that comes from knowing our Heavenly Father is pleased with us, His children. God loves us and, although He requires us to put Him first, He also desires our marriage to…
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Stop! Share Your Banana!

Esther and I have a few idiosyncrasies in our relationship.  Over the years, we have developed some habits that others might look at as being a little strange. For example, nearly every morning we share a single banana and every evening we share a single chocolate protein bar.  Not only do we share them, the…
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