Month: July 2020

A Golden Opportunity for Christian Couples to “Zoom”

For the first time, we have completed both A Marriage Made in Heaven and Fulfilled Marriage classes utilizing Zoom, a simplified free or low-cost video conferencing program that anyone can utilize.  The Fulfilled Marriage Course was completed in six sessions. The Marriage Made In Heaven Course took ten weeks. The Fulfilled Marriage course is especially adaptable to…
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Your Bucket List

One of the most important aspects of undertaking any endeavor is to set as high as possible goals for all those things that are most important. If we limit our life goals by what we have attained through our learning and our experiences at a particular moment, we are likely settling for less than what would have…
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If Ever There Was A Need To Pray, It Is Now!

One of the most serious mistakes that many Christians make is to believe that God’s personality somehow changed from the “vindictive” in the Old Testament to more merciful in the New Testament. Within the enormous timeframe of the Old Testament, which covers the period from Genesis to four hundred years before Christ, there are numerous…
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