Facilitator Training & Course Materials

Esther and I believe that the prime responsibility for marriage is the local church. If there is any way that we can assist your church’s marriage ministry or you would like to have facilitators trained to conduct A Marriage Made In Heaven course or any of our other programs, please contact us.


A Marriage Made In Heaven course books to order
A Marriage Made In Heaven – Course Materials for Students

Book List & Links To Purchase

More Course information for A Marriage Made In Heaven at this link.

WHY We Use Dr. WIllard Harley’s Books in this course


We also have opportunities for GROUP LEADERS to lead our latest six-week course: The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors.

Start a Fulfilled Marriage Small Group or Sunday School Marriage Enrichment Class

The Fulfilled Marriage class will serve as a six-week journey of discovery through the scriptures to uncover what a Christian marriage built to God’s plan can be. This course will significantly help improve your marriage and at the same time enhance your relationship with God.

Simply purchase a single copy of The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors – Leaders Guide for the facilitator(s) plus one copy of The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors book for each person in your group.  You can order both directly from Amazon with the links below.

ORDER LINKS for The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors Course Materials:

The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors – BOOK

The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors – Leader’s Guide

More Course information for The Fulfilled Marriage at this link.