Love is an Action Word

When I was younger, I enjoyed running so much because at a certain point, usually early in the run, it would seem to have a sense that my body was functioning as God created it to be capable of.  At that moment I knew I had succeeded in my efforts even though I did not run to compete with others.  However, for me to achieve that degree of fitness initially, it was not pleasant. It was day after day of suffering, with the only reward of knowing I was doing what would be good for my wellbeing.

Love should be like that. In the beginning, it should be tough, and because God is calling you to a much higher place, a calling that is to “give love”, “do love” especially if you don’t feel like it.  Christ is always to be our model and in a real sense our goal. The feeling never defines God’s kind of love, only action.  

Jesus did not feel good about suffering for yours and my sins, but He did it anyway.  That’s love and love is an action word!

Some of you have been hurt in most significant ways, possibly by your spouse, a sibling, or a parent.  I want you to know that God has a very special place for you, a place in the fellowship of the suffering.  It is because of the degree of hurt in your life, you have a great opportunity to demonstrate how great your God is by opening your heart to His wonderful supernatural special loving.  A love not limited by how you feel, or what you might get out of it. Do love, act on it, then you can feel good knowing the Father is pleased with you.  After all, “His feelings” are what is important.  Your reward is simply “good job, my child, keep it up.”

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,

Philippians 3:10 New International Version (NIV)

         This is a short excerpt from “Learning to Love”, a full chapter in The Fulfilled Marriage, The Three Doors.