Even In the Beginning, Different

Symbolically, once God made Eve out of Adam’s side or rib, he would in a sense, symbiotically no longer be whole, nor self-sufficient like he was before she arrived on the scene.  Now Adam and Eve have needs that they cannot fulfill by themselves. Now they must bond together (in covenant) to have their needs fulfilled; the process of becoming one has now begun. The time for sacrificing and giving has arrived.

Adam never had to give or sacrifice before Eve arrived! Keep in mind, there is no indication that Adam and Eve had identical needs and, like us, it is highly unlikely. This will become evident when we address yours and your mate’s God-given uniquely different needs later.  At this point, among other things, Adam and Eve both need communication skills, they both need companionship, they now have a sex drive to become one flesh and fill the earth, and they must have negotiation skills in order to make good decisions.  They also must learn to live in peace and harmony together and with God, who is meeting with them in the Garden to help them succeed.  These needs still exist, and fulfilling those needs are a must if we are to have good marriages.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17

Find out why God wants our marriages like they were in the beginning, read the entire The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors.

TOPIC: Our Differing Needs