A Golden Opportunity for Christian Couples to “Zoom”

A Golden Opportunity for Christian Couples to “Zoom”

social distance learning through Christian marriage course

For the first time, we have completed both A Marriage Made in Heaven and Fulfilled Marriage classes utilizing Zoom, a simplified free or low-cost video conferencing program that anyone can utilize. 

The Fulfilled Marriage Course was completed in six sessions. The Marriage Made In Heaven Course took ten weeks.

The Fulfilled Marriage course is especially adaptable to this approach. The course simply requires the purchase of one Fulfilled Marriage Leaders Guide and at least one book per couple (two recommended). The Leaders Guide is very instructive on how to start a successful home-based marriage ministry, and then also provides simple to follow scripts for each week. There is no need for any pre-instruction, as each couple shares in turn about their experiences from the past week. The leader simply follows the script, which reads the questions to be discussed by the couples and additionally, leads a weekly simple exercise for all the couples to participate in.

This course is for both engaged and married couples and will serve as a six-week journey of discovery through the Scriptures. There you will be able to uncover what a Christian marriage built to God’s plan should be and provide insight on how that can take place. The Fulfilled Marriage will significantly help marriages and, at the same time, enhance an individual’s personal relationship with God.  

Your effort in sponsoring and leading the course will bless all of your students’ lives, marriages, and families. You may never hear of all the good that has transpired and will continue to transpire throughout their lives, but rest assured it has and will continue to take place.  

By joining in the effort to help others with their marriages, you demonstrate the value you give to your own relationship with your spouse. The good news is that experience tells us your effort to help others will undoubtedly result in significant blessings for your own marriage, as well as each and every one of your students.

Simply go to this link and order both The Fulfilled Marriage and your Leaders Guide books for the course.   

God bless you and yours,

Ted and Esther


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