Let’s Talk, No Let’s Communicate

There are two persons who need to know you in your entirety: God who already does and your spouse who should!

Many years ago, one of my duties within the Navy was to manage a small communication facility.  Since this was a military facility, the communication needed to be encrypted so that any potential enemy could not read what was being transmitted to other military facilities.  With the advent of computers that have improved the capability to rapidly decipher code, our communication codes needed to be changed often.  If we would fail to install the current code, both received and transmitted messages would be garbled and unreadable.

When we are holding a conversation with another, we can mistakenly believe that they are receiving and understanding exactly the same message that we are attempting to communicate to them.  In reality, unlike ciphers, it is impossible for two individuals to communicate perfectly.  There are various reasons for this, including our individual uniqueness that is the product of our creator’s different design for each of us, as well as effects from our individual human experience.

This uniqueness is the very thing that is both a blessing that helps complete each of us as individuals and in time makes us a better couple, but at the same time, this individuality complicates communication. It is for that reason, time and effort over a lifetime of intimate conversation is required to perfect our communication.

These differences are part of who we are and should be celebrated because they show that God is a personal God, and He is the only one who has complete understanding of us.  In marriage, God intends for us to have a relationship that will grow in knowledge and appreciation of each other throughout our entire life together. To know each as we should requires us to improve our communication and as a result, at the same time increase intimacy.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13 New International Version (NIV)

There is a whole chapter devoted to Communication between spouses in The Fulfilled Marriage.

TOPIC: Communication