Tenets for a Christian Marriage

It is vitally important to fulfill all of God’s purposes for your marriage by creating an atmosphere of openness, gentleness, and encouragement so that together you can have deep and fruitful communication.  It is in these invaluable conversations that you will begin to understand your spouse as never before, and you will be able to identify your role in fulfilling his or her needs.  It is then that you will begin to observe that your marriage is being transformed and that it begins to fulfill these tenets listed below:

  • Your relationship with God is the foundation of your Marriage.
  • Your marriage should mirror the relationship between Christ and the Church in that, the Covenant of Marriage requires us to give ourselves to our spouses without reservation.
  • God intends for each couple to have a fruitful, meaningful and joyful marriage as both spouses live a life of sacrificial love (Agape love).
  • God designed marriage as the crucible in preparing His children for eternal purposes by insuring that we become Christ-like through learning, discipline and overcoming adversity.
  • As you move closer to each other in harmony (oneness), you move closer to God; as we move closer to God, we move closer in harmony with our spouse.
  • A Christian marriage finds its life, purpose and meaning by living within the Kingdom of God, and living counter to cultural norms.
  • God hates divorce and always desires to give hope and help to those who are having difficulties in their marriage.
  • The local church is responsible to serve as guardian for the institution of marriage and has the primary responsibility to equip their members for successful marriages.

Chapter one of part two of The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors exclusively and in detail explores God’s eternal unchanging design for the marriages of His children.

TOPIC: God’s Design for Your Marriage