Think on This

If you are an engaged couple preparing for marriage, I as strongly as possible want to recommend that you abstain from, or if involved in, completely stop from this point any form of sexual activity until your marriage.  

If you have had sexual activity already, by stopping and waiting until you make formal vows (declaring your marriage covenant with God) in front of family and friends, you will be able to recapture the God-given importance that is given to the “act of marriage” on your wedding day.  

This, your first post-covenant act, bonds you and your spouse together in a very special holy sacrament.  The post-marriage ceremony, sexual union, is what both God and the Body of Christ recognize as the true beginning of marriage.  

By doing what God requires, your marriage will give you a much deeper realization that God is knitting you together as He desires.

Please read Part Two, Chapter 3 of The Fulfilled Marriage for much more information, and the article under Sexual Fulfillment and Intimacy entitled Sex, God’s Gift to His Children.  

TOPIC: Sexual Fulfillment and Affection