Category: Change Unhappy Marriage

Differences: I Didn’t Have A Clue!

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2, New International Version (NIV) We currently have two A Marriage Made In Heaven classes running simultaneously utilizing the Zoom virtual classroom technology. This week, students…
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Why Difficulties In Your Christian Marriage?

Over the past ten years, Esther and I have been proclaiming that “Christians should have the very best marriages within every culture.”  Unfortunately, very few couples reveal to their neighbors that their faith makes any difference in the quality of their marriages.   It is not only possible to have a marriage full of love…
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My Father Is The Gardener

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” John 15:1, New International Version (NIV) Topiary is the horticultural practice of clipping foliage and twigs of trees and shrubs to develop and maintain clearly defined shapes, whether geometric or fanciful.  In order to accomplish the most complex designs, a wire form is constructed in the ultimate desired shape for…
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Best Ways To Bring More Love Into Your Marriage

Do you ever wish you had a better marriage? That something would change somehow? Juggling work, family, and life can take a toll on your marriage – and leave you feeling tired and with little energy to put into growing your relationship. Sometimes things happen that are out of your control and can affect the…
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Downward Spiral

One of the most dangerous events that can happen in flight is for an aircraft to stall. Every airplane has a low-speed point at which it will lose lift and begin to fall out of the sky, sometimes even into an unrecoverable spiral. This is so dangerous that aircraft are equipped with a loud audible warning…
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The Greenhouse Effect

The greatest gift that we can give our children is to raise them in a home where love prevails.  Peace, harmony, and love between mothers and fathers envelop a child with a loving atmosphere that enables them to mature, adopt their parent’s faith, and successfully fulfill their destiny. Just as greenhouse plants begin their growth earlier…
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There is More

In churches today, between twenty and thirty percent of couples are on their way to divorce. Additionally a much higher percentage of Christian couples, probably an additional thirty percent are disappointed in the way their marriages have turned out.  The reality is that if these percentage statistics reflected a viral outbreak, it would rival the Great Plague. The…
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“Lord, we want our marriage to be what you want it to be.” Really?

Although this statement should be clear and obvious to all of us, there is much more meaning than what might meet the eye at first. Most of us come into marriage under the control of our emotions, with our minds and spirits put out of the way. Feelings are so high that our minds are completely…
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Do You Have a Clue?

I will never forget the evening when a dear friend stood in front of our marriage class. With tears in his eyes, he said, “I didn’t have a clue!” Twenty-seven hundred years ago, the prophet Ezekiel said the same about God’s people.  “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to…
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Boot Camp

Some of you may already know that I served as a Naval Officer for twenty-eight years. Before I received my commission I attended basic training as an enlisted sailor. I remember when I arrived at boot camp for training in Great Lakes, Illinois on April 26, 1966, around midnight.  After a few minutes, we were greeted…
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