Category: Holy Spirit in Marriage

The Starting Point For A Great Marriage

The best starting point to ensure a great marriage should come long before marriage, even before dating. The best way to start a great marriage is to develop a deeply personal relationship with the God who loves you immensely more than any spouse ever would or could.    “Well, how can we develop a great…
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A Spiritual Life In The Ordinary

Some Christians may want to find a way to be super-spiritual because of the belief that striving for “spirituality” will please our Heavenly Father. It won’t!   Could it be that some think growing in spirituality will make us more important than the “less spiritual”? Some seeking deep spirituality have even gone so far as…
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Love: Pinnacle of Human and Divine Existence

Love is the pinnacle of human and divine existence, and it is with a great deal of trepidation that I begin to share my understanding of what love should be in marriage. However, it is also clear that discussing how we can improve our marriages without discussing love is like writing about fishing and not…
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Let’s Wake Up To Who We Are

As I sat at my desk doing some routine work that needed my attention, worship music was playing softly in the background.  Although my inability to multi-task with focus usually prevents me from listening to the words of a song while working, something that Jeremy Camp was singing grabbed my attention so powerfully that I…
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