Category: Love

Differences: I Didn’t Have A Clue!

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2, New International Version (NIV) We currently have two A Marriage Made In Heaven classes running simultaneously utilizing the Zoom virtual classroom technology. This week, students…
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Returning To Paradise

Even before the creation, God chose marriage as the incubator and crucible where a man and a woman, living in a “oneness-relationship” would learn to become more like Him. Even though Adam and Eve failed God’s plan, we as His adopted children can in many ways pick-up where they left off. Your new birthright as…
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What One Thing?

We are about to start another series of A Marriage Made In Heaven courses which we’ll be facilitating locally and online. Last evening, I was pondering, “What is the one thing I could tell participants that would help them to get the very most out of the course?”   Even though marriage is a very complicated and…
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Why Difficulties In Your Christian Marriage?

Over the past ten years, Esther and I have been proclaiming that “Christians should have the very best marriages within every culture.”  Unfortunately, very few couples reveal to their neighbors that their faith makes any difference in the quality of their marriages.   It is not only possible to have a marriage full of love…
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Your Bucket List

One of the most important aspects of undertaking any endeavor is to set as high as possible goals for all those things that are most important. If we limit our life goals by what we have attained through our learning and our experiences at a particular moment, we are likely settling for less than what would have…
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A Monumental Awakening

Have you ever had a quiet moment when all of a sudden an illumination of understanding comes that is so monumental it decisively reorients your understanding?   Early this morning while I was simply at rest and not mentally engaged in any particular thought, I had just such an experience. It didn’t come accompanied by…
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Your Horse Doesn’t Belong In Your Carriage

Love and marriage, love and marriage, Go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya, brother, you can’t have one without the other.    Frank Sinatra, 1953 Automobiles are designed with their power sources, engines, or electric motors, located in three possible locations: front, middle, or rear. Marriage, however, is designed to operate…
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Shipshape Your Marriage

Shipshape Your Marriage! The word “shipshape” means: good and seamanlike order, prepared for all contingencies. Wouldn’t you like to have your marriage shipshape, strong, and prepared for whatever storms of life may come against it so they will not prevail and destroy the marriage “ship” or damage the hull beyond repair? In the book I…
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My Father Is The Gardener

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” John 15:1, New International Version (NIV) Topiary is the horticultural practice of clipping foliage and twigs of trees and shrubs to develop and maintain clearly defined shapes, whether geometric or fanciful.  In order to accomplish the most complex designs, a wire form is constructed in the ultimate desired shape for…
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Love, Love, Love, Love

In various places throughout the Bible, but especially in the original New Testament Greek, we find four differing types of love, usually in different contexts. However, within our marriages all can be given and experienced. As an example, with our spouse, we can experience the philia love of friendship, eros erotic sexual love, and agape sacrificial love. In fact, healthy marriages should…
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