Category: Marriage Fulfillment

Stop! Share Your Banana!

Esther and I have a few idiosyncrasies in our relationship.  Over the years, we have developed some habits that others might look at as being a little strange. For example, nearly every morning we share a single banana and every evening we share a single chocolate protein bar.  Not only do we share them, the…
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The Marriage Bed

In 307 A.D. Lucius Lactantius A.D. 250–A.D. 325), one of the early fathers of the Church and personal advisor of the faith to Emperor Constantine, penned the following words: When God had formulated the plan of the two sexes, he instilled in them the desire for each other along with delight in intercourse. He, therefore, mixed…
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God and Your Marriage

God fulfills two important roles in our marriages: first, by being the architect or creator in providing the design for your marriage, and secondly, making available on a day-by-day basis through the Holy Spirit grace, help, advice, and empowerment for every couple desiring and willing to “do their part.”   A Christian marriage consists of…
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The Greenhouse Effect

The greatest gift that we can give our children is to raise them in a home where love prevails.  Peace, harmony, and love between mothers and fathers envelop a child with a loving atmosphere that enables them to mature, adopt their parent’s faith, and successfully fulfill their destiny. Just as greenhouse plants begin their growth earlier…
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There is More

In churches today, between twenty and thirty percent of couples are on their way to divorce. Additionally a much higher percentage of Christian couples, probably an additional thirty percent are disappointed in the way their marriages have turned out.  The reality is that if these percentage statistics reflected a viral outbreak, it would rival the Great Plague. The…
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“Lord, we want our marriage to be what you want it to be.” Really?

Although this statement should be clear and obvious to all of us, there is much more meaning than what might meet the eye at first. Most of us come into marriage under the control of our emotions, with our minds and spirits put out of the way. Feelings are so high that our minds are completely…
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Do You Have a Clue?

I will never forget the evening when a dear friend stood in front of our marriage class. With tears in his eyes, he said, “I didn’t have a clue!” Twenty-seven hundred years ago, the prophet Ezekiel said the same about God’s people.  “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to…
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Vive La Différence!

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:18-24, New International Version (NIV) God…
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Boot Camp

Some of you may already know that I served as a Naval Officer for twenty-eight years. Before I received my commission I attended basic training as an enlisted sailor. I remember when I arrived at boot camp for training in Great Lakes, Illinois on April 26, 1966, around midnight.  After a few minutes, we were greeted…
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Marriage Questions Needing Answers

What do “oneness” and “marriage” mean to you?  What does it mean that a couple is in Harmony? What is the difference between a marriage covenant and a legal contract? Why do Esther and I think Christians should have the best marriages on the planet? We’re glad you asked! We believe it’s important to know…
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