Category: Sexual Fulfillment and Affection

The Marriage Bed

In 307 A.D. Lucius Lactantius A.D. 250–A.D. 325), one of the early fathers of the Church and personal advisor of the faith to Emperor Constantine, penned the following words: When God had formulated the plan of the two sexes, he instilled in them the desire for each other along with delight in intercourse. He, therefore, mixed…
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There is More

In churches today, between twenty and thirty percent of couples are on their way to divorce. Additionally a much higher percentage of Christian couples, probably an additional thirty percent are disappointed in the way their marriages have turned out.  The reality is that if these percentage statistics reflected a viral outbreak, it would rival the Great Plague. The…
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“Lord, we want our marriage to be what you want it to be.” Really?

Although this statement should be clear and obvious to all of us, there is much more meaning than what might meet the eye at first. Most of us come into marriage under the control of our emotions, with our minds and spirits put out of the way. Feelings are so high that our minds are completely…
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God’s Plan for Your Sexual Fulfillment

To the Christian couple, lovemaking should not only be physical but also emotional lovemaking (affection), spiritual lovemaking (inviting God into our bedrooms, and honoring and worshiping God for this gift), and with learned skill primarily through discovery and experience during marriage (mental). As mentioned before (in my book The Fulfilled Marriage), Christians should be the…
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