A Marriage Made In Heaven

Christians should have the most successful, happy, and fulfilling marriages on earth. God makes available for all His adopted children unlimited resources for this through His love for us. It is this love that can transform our marriages so that they will bear witness by demonstrating to the world that our heavenly Father can transform marriages and lives. This love is made available through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Only Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells in each believer.– Quote from the course A Marriage Made in Heaven

Click the VIDEO presentation above to view an introduction and overview of the course A Marriage Made In Heaven


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A Marriage Made In Heaven Course Design for Enhanced Discovery & Life Application
Through the Transformational Learning Process

Normal Classroom Course Details:

Note: These will be adjusted for the ONLINE EXPERIENCE

The course utilizes three interwoven learning methods. They are self-learning as an individual, guided Discussions with your spouse, and Classroom activities.  Additionally “Daily Couple’s Prayer” brings God’s presence, love, and empowerment into all three methods.  It is important that over the upcoming days you create a good habit of praying together.  As you begin to see the progress you are making as you bring God more into your marriage, you will continue praying together after the course is completed.

Course Syllabus

Class Description: A Marriage Made in Heaven is a 10-week interactive marriage enrichment class using a transformational learning process.  Homework consisting of reading in texts, answering questions, and having guided discussions enables couples to make needed changes in their relationship. Additionally, classroom activities reinforce the learning that takes place at home. 

Class Objectives: The homework and classroom activities are designed to increase intimacy, communication, and understanding in each couple’s relationship.

Resources A Marriage Made in Heaven – Student Guide, His Needs, Her Needs, Love Busters, 5 Steps to Romantic Love Workbook.  Each couple will be given 6 books.  Two are shared.

Format: Homework review, sharing session (each student shares answering 3 questions regarding the learning gained during the week’s homework), affirmation of other students, group activity (varies per week), encouraging remarks by the facilitator, prayer

Weekly Schedule:

Week 1:  This is a pre-session during which books are distributed, and ground rules are discussed, the emphasis is placed on confidentiality, and having peaceful discussions with each other during homework discussions.

Week 2:  A Bible study covering the subjects of Covenant Marriage as God sees it, Building on a firm foundation, the Normal Christian life, salvation, forgiveness and putting the past behind you, the role of discipline and adversity in marriage.

Week 3:  Identifying your emotional needs and the needs of your spouse, stressing that only your spouse is to meet these needs. Meeting these needs will build a Love Bank in your spouse.

Week 4:  Identifying Love Busters, those behaviors that hurt your spouse and the marriage relationship.

Week 5:  Overcoming Love Busters, what you will do to correct bad behavior, both yours and your spouses are addressed. Each person speaks of their own shortcomings.

Week 6:  The emotional needs of Affection and Sexual Fulfillment are addressed

Week 7:  The emotional needs of Recreational Companionship and Intimate Conversation are addressed.

Week 8:  The emotional needs of Physical Attractiveness and Honesty and Openness are addressed

Week 9:  The emotional needs of Domestic Support and Financial Support are addressed.

Week 10:  The emotional needs of Admiration and Family Commitment are addressed. Closing activities point the couples toward continuing to use what they have learned about themselves, their spouse and their marriage.  The class ends with a prayer of blessing over each couple.

A Marriage Made In Heaven is designed to be church-based because…

A Course Designed For All Churches

  • Children need a loving mom and dad in the home
  • Marriage is God’s chosen illustration to give an understanding of the relationship between Jesus and his church
  • Marriage is a spiritual issue
  • God ordained that marriage would be the primary path for those that are not single to develop into mature disciples that will reflect the Father’s love in daily life and, as a result, become more and more like Jesus Christ, his Son

A Marriage Made In Heaven has been developed to integrate vital teachings from the Word of God within a scripturally-based student guide, along with two highly successful texts and a workbook by Willard F. Harley, Jr. This course has been designed to be both enlightening and enabling so that you can make significant and necessary improvements both in your individual life and in your marriage.

What is different about A Marriage Made In Heaven from other marriage venues?

This course is designed to incorporate Transformational Learning Process (TLP) where participants discover truths about themselves and put corrected behavior into practice immediately. It gives a foundation to build on, power to change, and the tools to grow the relationship.

It requires giving priority and time to the marriage throughout the entire 63-day period. This allows participants to learn and implement change week-by-week, not after a teaching, or a series of lectures. Proves to the spouse they want to change. The course period is long enough to begin the process of creating good habits and breaking bad habits.

By joining in the effort to help others with their marriages, you demonstrate the value you give to your own relationship with your spouse. The good news is that experience tells us that your effort to help others will undoubtedly result in significant blessings for your own marriage, as well as each and every one of your students. The dedication and the large amount of time you will give sacrificially to help “your couples” is certainly adding treasure into your heavenly “hope chest.” It is our prayer that God will bless you, your marriage, and your family as you continue to dedicate your time effort to facilitate this for others.

Leaders & Participants Materials List

Here are the books needed for the course for the Participants. All books are available at Amazon (links included here) and for a leader couple, they total around $80. Go to the AMMH MATERIALS page to view and order directly.