Your Bucket List

Your Bucket List

bucket list - checklist in a bucket

One of the most important aspects of undertaking any endeavor is to set as high as possible goals for all those things that are most important. If we limit our life goals by what we have attained through our learning and our experiences at a particular moment, we are likely settling for less than what would have become possible if we would have set our goals beyond the present attainable.

Life’s goals should be established far beyond what we are contemplating. It is unlikely that you will go beyond your expectations if you limit your goals to what you feel is possible at any particular moment.  

As Christians, it is imperative that we dig deep into the Word of God regularly so that we begin to see our life as God sees it. He has big plans for each of us. The scriptures are full of wisdom, and they also delineate those things that must be high on our “bucket list.” The scriptures do not encourage us to set goals that are humanly attainable by our effort alone. God’s goals sometimes seem to be unattainable. That is because they require His empowerment and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit if we are going to succeed.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2, New International Version (NIV)

In addition to identifying our goals, another important aspect is prioritizing them. As human beings, we are limited in what we can do with our allotted time, energy, and responsibilities. We must ensure that what is more important ranks higher than those that are nonessential.

If you are a golfer, for example, and you have a family, you probably shouldn’t set a goal of being a consistent sub-par golfer. Maybe just playing once a month for enjoyment might be better, or if necessary, giving up golf to become a better husband, wife or parent may be wise.

What is most important is that all of your life’s efforts and priorities align with God’s will for you and are in accordance with His written word.

For, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

1  Corinthians 2:16, NIV

If you are a Christian, the highest priorities in your marriage will be based on your responsibilities as delineated in two covenants: first, the New Covenant (based on agape love), and secondly, the Marriage Covenant. In The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors we spend a great deal of time understanding the seriousness of these two covenants. In this article, I will simply say: do not consider breaking or trying to amend them. The first is written in blood and the second in indelible ink.  

I will guarantee that if you dedicate your life’s effort to fulfilling all that these two covenants require, you will have a life, an eternity, and a marriage that far exceeds anything the world offers in bringing you more genuine joy and fulfillment.  

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Luke 11:28, NIV

With love,



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