"Yes! There is MORE for your Marriage and your Life!"

How about a Marriage Made in Heaven?!


We provide
Transformative solutions for enriching marriages!

How would your marriage look if it was filled with love for each other and you connected and communicated on deeper levels than ever before?

If you’re interested in growing a marriage to withstand the test of time, we can help!

We recognized the need for churches and individuals to have more practical and transformative help in finding greater meaning and fulfillment in their marriage. Now we offer tested and proven solutions for couples and leaders alike.

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happy mature married couple together happy together couple in beach chairs holding hands

We provide transformational learning opportunities for groups and individuals through our books, courses, and events!

Recognizing the need for help with lasting change in growing a fulfilling marriage, we’ve developed curriculum for use as individuals or groups, and for use in churches and organizations.

The Fulfilled Marriage

Do you long for “something more” in your marriage? Greater fulfillment and a meaningful life and marriage? Book & guide

A Marriage Made In Heaven

A course designed for churches to facilitate couples in finding more joy and fulfillment in marriage through self-discovery application.

Facilitator Training

Facilitator training available for “A Marriage Made In Heaven” course through facilitator’s guide and training events with certification.

Who We Are

About Us

We are Ted and Esther Dean – developers and facilitators of the curriculum and resources

Theodore “Ted” Dean

Author, blogger, and facilitator, my passion and mission has been to help other couples to step into a truly fulfilling marriage through developing these transformational learning programs.

Esther Dean

Facilitator, partner, and social media connector, I love to reach out to share the good news of how anyone can have a more fulfilling marriage! I’m delighted to have discovered this with Ted and we work together to share this with others.

Read more about us here…

Latest from Our Blog

Bringing you Tips, insights, Hope & Encouragement as you take small steps to improve your marriage!

challenges for parents with children

What Are We Doing To Our Children? Part 1

Excerpt from The Fulfilled Marriage: The Three Doors by Ted Dean One morning in the spring of 2018, I awoke at my usual time. But before I could begin to[…]

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understanding derrences in needs between men and women

Differences: I Didn’t Have A Clue!

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.Ephesians[…]

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Eve hands apple to Adam to eat in the Garden of Eden

Returning To Paradise

Even before the creation, God chose marriage as the incubator and crucible where a man and a woman, living in a “oneness-relationship” would learn to become more like Him. Even[…]

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Timely Articles & Resources

We are constantly adding to our online library of helpful articles to encourage you as well as bring you the latest information and techniques to strengthen your marriage. Check out the timely topics for help with anything from Arguments to noisy ZZZ’s, from communication to spiritual principles and fun ways to do life together.

looking at articles and topics on marriage improvement

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

The class was wonderful and our marriage was spared from further destruction. My husband and I are now growing together instead of apart. I am eternally grateful.

Deanna A.

“A Marriage Made In Heaven” Participant

It’s been a pleasure facilitating these courses. This model makes it so easy to take the couples through the self-discovery process, which brings them better results than I could have gotten with just the teaching techniques I’d learned to use in the past.

Sally S.

Facilitator for “A Marriage Made In Heaven”

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Finding “A Marriage Made In Heaven” has been a godsend! The first group of couples I took through this course had such great results that I now schedule this marriage enrichment focus regularly.

John Henry

Young Marrieds Pastor & Group Leader

We have a special THANK YOU Gift that can help improve your marriage and bring more love and fulfillment to your life. Check it out Here! —>>>>>>>>>